Wound Care: Choosing and Using Medical Wound Dressings

Jul 13, 2023 Viewd 118

Medical wound dressings are a type of dressing applied by spraying or moistening the surface of the wound to have an antibacterial effect and prevent wound infection. It is a necessary dressing for wound healing nowadays. A new type of medical wound dressingcomposed of Otilonium Bromide and Polyvinyl alcohol can last up to 24 hours of antibacterial activity and can be used for various symptoms, such as postpartum incision wound, oral care, laser beauty, and diabetes foot, etc.


How to choose a medical wound dressing for wound care


As a trusted and leading medical tape factory, we believe that wound care is a very important process, so we should choose the appropriate dressing according to the wound condition, so as to make it heal better. Firstly, we need to choose the appropriate dressing according to the wound size. Secondly, we need to choose the type of filling dressing according to the depth of the wound. Thirdly, we need to give negative-pressure drainage or pressure dressing based on the local conditions of the wound. Lastly, we need to choose the sticky strength of the dressing according to the skin condition surrounding the wound.


In addition, the selection of medical wound dressings should also consider: the amount of exudation, the anatomical site of the wound, the amount of necrotic tissue, whether the wound is infected, whether there is dead space or sinus. And when we choose medical wound dressings, we must meet the biological needs; meet the needs of patients, such as accelerated healing, painless dressing changes, pain relief and reduce the number of dressing changes; meet the needs of medical staff and managers, such as reducing the work of changing dressings quantity, easy operation, easy debridement, beneficial to healing, easy to observe, easy to store, good safety.


How to use medical wound dressing


Medical wound dressings can be directly rinsed, sprayed, wet or covered on the wound surface.


  • For injuries, abrasions, postoperative wounds, ulcer cleansing, and diabetic foot, etc., can be sprayed on the affected area or mixed and bandaged. Apply 1 to 2 times daily.

  • For anal abscess, anal fistula, anal fissure, ostomy, fistula, episiotomy, and circumcision, can be sprayed or moistened, and then bandaged. Apply 1 to 2 times daily.

  • For vaginal itching and other symptoms, apply directly to the affected area. Apply 3 to 4 times daily, and stop when the symptoms disappear. It can also be used to protect the mucous membrane of the elderly vagina.

  • Before and after radiation therapy, spray or moisten the local skin.

  • For mouth odor and postoperative care, apply by rinsing the mouth and keep it for several minutes before expelling. Apply 2 to 3 times daily, continuously for several days.

  • For ringworm, herpes, acne, etc., apply by spraying or moistening. Apply 2 to 3 times daily, continuously for several days. If it causes discomfort, itching, dryness, peeling, etc., apply directly by spraying or moistening. When moistening, apply for 10 to 20 minutes each time to improve skin health.