Alginate Wound Dressings Used for Burn and Wound Hemostasis

Jan 25, 2023 Viewd 50

Alginate wound dressing is composed of alginate, a natural polysaccharide carbohydrate extracted from seaweed, which is a type of natural cellulose. So what are the functions of alginate wound dressings?


Alginate wound dressings are used for hemostasis


Traditional first-aid hemostatic dressings mainly include first aid kits, tourniquets, and other cotton dressings (such as cotton, bandages, gauze, etc.), relying solely on physical pressure for hemostasis, which is ineffective and often requires the use of tourniquets to control bleeding. The indications for alginate wound dressing in various surgical wounds mainly reflect three aspects: absorbing wound exudate, promoting hemostasis, and providing a moist healing environment for the wound. At the same time, alginate wound dressings can relieve wound pain and absorb proteases from the wound, accelerating the healing process. Alginate wound dressings are used for incisions, pressure ulcers, and bleeding wounds in skin graft areas. The calcium ions in the fibers exchange with the sodium ions in the wound exudate to form a gel. After the release of calcium ions, the large aggregation of calcium ions on the wound surface can accelerate hemostasis.


Alginate wound dressings are used for burns


Burn care includes the burn wound itself and the skin graft area, which has a large and flat surface area that is easily adhered to by dressings. Traditional products such as Vaseline gauze have the disadvantages of excessive bleeding, patient pain, and easy infection of the wound. Because alginate wound dressings have high moisture absorption and can form a colloid after absorbing moisture, they are especially suitable for burn care and can reduce patient pain and secondary bleeding when removing dressings. As one of types of wound care products, alginate wound dressings have good biocompatibility, are degradable, can effectively reduce skin irritation, and have high breathability to prevent anaerobic bacterial infections. After using alginate wound dressings, the wound can be rinsed with saline to remove the dressing, providing great convenience to patients.


Alginate wound dressings are used for pressure ulcers


Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure sores, are a type of chronic wound caused by long-term pressure on local tissues in bedridden patients, which seriously affects blood circulation in the tissues and results in prolonged ischemia and hypoxia, leading to nutritional deficiencies and tissue necrosis, eventually forming a chronic wound. Similar to lower leg ulcers, pressure sores generally have more purulent discharge. In severe pressure ulcers, skin necrosis can form a hole, and alginate fibers can be used to fill seriously necrotic cavity wounds. Alginate wound dressings have excellent moisture absorption, making them particularly suitable for pressure ulcer care.